martes, 26 de enero de 2021


I've recently discovered this video, which I think is very interesting for improving your listening and conversation. Plus, she's a native speaker and she explains everything very clearly.


After watching the video and learning some of the idioms, you have to complete this exercise. Please, leave a comment if you have any doubt or a suggestion and click on like if you love the video. Hope you enjoy it! 

Exercise: Choose the correct idiom for each sentence. 

1. As you can see, I´m very busy, so please ............... 
2. It was a tense situation, so I had to think of a way to ................ 
3. Oh my God! It´s ................. We better take a raincoat. 
4. .............. Look who just arrived, late as always. 
5. I´m sure you can pass the test ..................
6. My father is always so funny, he loves ............... 
7. My brother is a ............... He´s lazy and all he does is watch televion. 
8. Don´t get ............... I´m doing the best I can. 
9. .............. I´m going to tell my boss that I don´t like working on Sunday. 
10. I´m going to clean my room and paint it a different color. Hahaha .............!

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