miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2019


Translating is a good way to remember the verb tenses, expressions and vocabulary.
First translate the sentences without looking at the solution, and later you can compare it with my translation.
If you have any questions, ask me

And remember...it´s also good to listen to the lyrics of songs. It´s fun.

See solution below

1. Era mas fácil de lo que pensaba
2. Ojala pudiera ir contigo
3. Comimos una tarta al final de la reunión
4. Al final no fuimos en avión
5. Que hubieras hecho tu? 
6. No le hubiera dicho nada
7. Que guitarra mas bonita! Cuanto tiempo la tienes?
8. Sabes tocar? Un poco
9. Me hubiera ido con ellos, pero tenia que cuidar a mi madre unos días
10. Que te has comprado? Solamente unas cuantas cosas
11. Lo le hagas caso. No sabe lo que dice
12. No hace tanto frío
13. Lo que te hace falta es tomarte unos días libres
14. Has estado trabajando demasiado
15. No te hubiera llamado, pero tenia que decirte algo
16. Me haces un café? 
17. Aun no se que comprarte. Ni yo
18. Ya se está haciendo de noche
19. Quieres salir esta noche?
20. Pues....si. Me apetece ir al cine y después tomar algo

Listen to this great song: It´s my life


1. It was easier than I thought
2. I wish I could go with you
3. We ate a cake at the end of the meeting
4. In the end we didn´t go by plane
5. What would you have done?
6. I wouldn´t have told her anything
7. What a nice guitar! How long do you have it?
8. Can you play? A little
9. I would have gone with them, but I had to look after my mom for a few days
10. What did you buy? Just a few things
11. Don´t pay attention to him. He doesn´t know what he´s saying
12. It´s not so cold
13. What you need is to take some days off
14. You´ve been working too much
15. I wouldn´t have called you, but I had to tell you something
16. Will you make me a coffee?
17. I still don´t know what to buy you. Neither do I
18. It´s already getting dark
19. Do you want to go out tonight?
20. Well...yes. I feel like going to the movies (cinema) and later have a drink

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