viernes, 26 de julio de 2019

412. A short story: The water pump

A man was lost in the desert...and sooner or later he was going to die of thirst.
But as he walking, he saw an old broken down cabin which had an old rusted water pump.

He began to pump without stopping, but nothing came out.
Then he saw that there was a glass bottle of water with a message next to the water pump.
"Pour the contents of the bottle into the pump to make it work.
Later fill the bottle and leave it in the same place.

At first the man doubted what to do because it just didn´t make any sense.
"How can water come out?"
But of course, if he didn´t do what the message said, he would die of thirst.

In the end, he poured the water of the bottle into the pump.
In the beginning no water came out. He was worried that he would have to drink the liquid in the bottle and he really wasn´t sure what effect it would have on him and make him sick.

But after pumping about a minute, suddenly cold clear fresh water was coming out in abundance.
The man could drink as much as he wanted...and he could even pour water on his head and all over his body until he was compeletly refreshed.

Before leaving, he filled the bottle with water for the next traveler.
But he also added a new message to the bottle:
"Take my advice. It really works!"

This story teaches us that good opportunities don´t come very often.
But when they do come, people tend to have doubts. 
Our insecurities can make us indecisive.
We wait too long to make a decision...and then it´s too late.
If we learn to overcome our fears, then we are free to do whatever we want in life. 

Como veis.La expresion "sooner or later" es al revés en español: "tarde o temprano".
No se puede decir "later or sooner"...jajajaja. 

Tambien hay "phrasal verbs" que hay que aprender si quieres mejorar tu ingles...porque hay muchos.
Y claro: "In the end" = al final

Y hay que saber usar "In the end"...y "At the end". Es facil,
Estoy seguro que hay un tema sobre esto

And remember: "Reach for the stars"

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