sábado, 16 de enero de 2016



La palabra “Shopping” = ir de compras, viene de la palabra británica “Shop” = tienda
En inglés americano, se dice “Store” para decir tienda, y no “shop”….pero si que dicen Shopping”; y de la palabra “store” viene la palabra “Drugstore”
It´s nice and sometimes necessary to go shopping.  As life can be stressing, going shopping makes you feel goodproviding you have a job and a decent salary.
The problem is that when there are bargains, usually after Christmas or in Spring, where one can buy things; mainly clothes up to a 50 % discount or more, people have a tendency to go on a shopping spree and perhaps buy things they really don´t need.
To go on a shopping spree is go to a lot of shops and go crazy buying things, as long as 
it´s cheaper than before.
Of course, shopping can also be fun, if you aren´t in a hurry. You can spend the whole day in a shopping center where there are all kinds of shops to choose from.
The other day I went shopping in the city center with my wife. The streets were very crowded and the shops were jam-packed with people.
This shop is jam-packed with people

What I hate the most about going bargain shopping is that many shops have the music really loud which makes you want to scream, and also there is no fucking place to sit down, as your spouse is trying on clothes or going around the shop looking for articles to buy.
Other problems about going bargain shopping is that one needs to wait in very long lines up to an hour in some cases and it can be too hot in the shop.
So, the loud music, being too hot and waiting in line really turn me off.
If I see long lines of people waiting to pay, I don´t bother going into the shop.
I ask myself if I really need these pants or shirts because I already have a lot at home.
If I get tired of standing and the loud music, I will sit outisde on a bench and watch all the different people walking by.

Go shopping = ir de compras
Feel good = siente bien
Providing = (dos maneras de decir “con tal que”
Bargains = gangas
Mainly = principalmente
Shopping spree = de compras a lo bestia
Perhaps = quizás
As long as = “con tal que”
Cheaper = mas barato
Fun = divertido
Aren´t in a hurry = no tienes prisa
Whole = entero
Kinds = clases
Crowded = abarrotado
Jam – packed = atiborrado
What I hate the most = lo que mas odio
Loud = fuerte (sonido)
Scream = gritar
Fucking = maldito
Sit down = sentarse
Spouse = cónyuge
Trying on = probandose
Going around = llendo por
Looking for = buscando
Lines = colas
Too hot = demasiado calor
Turn me off =  desagrada
Bother = molesto
Already = ya
Get tired = me canso
Bench  = banco

Here´s a song called "I wanna buy these shoes"


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