English Spanish
I´m really fed up
Estoy hasta las narices
By any chance
Por casualidad
Long time no see
Cuanto tiempo sin verte
I´m in a big hurry
Tengo mucha prisa
I think so
Creo que si
Who´s calling?
¿De parte de quien?
I´m broke
Estoy sin blanca
It´s (bloody / fucking) cold
Hace un frío que pela
There´s plenty of time
Hay tiempo de sobra
Right away
It´s not worth going
No vale la pena ir
What a shame
Que pena
Sooner or later
Tarde o temprano
What´s wrong with that?
¿Que hay de malo en eso?
Don´t bug me
No me des la lata
As soon as I know
En cuanto lo sepa
If I were you
Yo que tu
Let me think about it
Déjame que lo piense
Don´t get me wrong
No me malinterpretes
I´m getting sleepy
Me está entrando sueño
It´s pouring
Está diluviando
It´s not my cup of tea
No es plato de mi gusto
Who on earth?
¿Quien demonios?
Get to the point
Ir al grano
How right you were!
Cuanto razón tenias!
The sooner the better
Cuanto antes mejor
Grab some shut-eye
Echar una cabezada
That´s the way the cookie crumbles
Así es la vida / Así son
las cosas
What´s wrong?
¿Qué pasa?
By all means
Por supuesto
He´s a pain in the ass / neck
Es un grano en el culo
What an asshole!
Que gilipollas!
To be honest
Para ser franco
Once in a blue moon
Una en las mil
It takes ages
Tarda un mogollón
Let´s face it!
Seamos realistas!
At last!
Por fín!
You´re absolutely right
Tienes toda la razón
What a lazy bum!
Que cacho perra!
Better safe than sorry
Mas vale prevenir que curar
So far so good
Todo bien por ahora
How nice!
Que bien!
It´s about time!
Ya era hora!
It´s no skin off my nose
A mi me trae sin cuidado
Face the music
Afrontar las consecuencias
All that glitters is not gold
No es oro todo lo que
Don´t lose heart
No te desanimes
For your own sake
Por tu propio bien
For crying out loud!
Por el amor de Dios!
Love at first sight
Un flechazo
Poner una expresión en la frase (ver solución mas abajo)
1. .....................................I´m sure you´ll find a job soon
2. The weekend ..............................................................
3. I forgot my umbrella and ..............................................
4. When I saw her it was .................................................
5. Let´s go out for dinner. I can´t. ....................................
6. ......................I would rent a room in a house
7. We only go dancing .....................................................
8. You just ......................................if you made a mistake
9. ............................!Who dropped some coffee on the sofa?
10. My boss isn´t nice. I´m really.......................with this job
11. .............................................It´s not easy to find a job
12. I´m going home to .....................................................
13. When do you want the report? .......................................
14. ........................................to get a social security number
15. Come on. .........................................I don´t have all day.
16. Do you want to go to Australia with me?............................
17. I got fired when I told the manager he´s a dick .................
18. Do you know..........................with her? She looks so angry
19. Can you help me with this? .............................................
20. How´s everything? .........................................................
21. I have to finish this, so stop.............................................
22. You gotta be realistic. .....................................................
23. Open the present. Wow! .................................................!
24. My boss can sometimes be a.............................................
25. This job..........................................................................
26. ......................don´t walk alone at night in this part of town
27. He won´t clean his room. ................................................!
21. I have to finish this, so stop.............................................
22. You gotta be realistic. .....................................................
23. Open the present. Wow! .................................................!
24. My boss can sometimes be a.............................................
25. This job..........................................................................
26. ......................don´t walk alone at night in this part of town
27. He won´t clean his room. ................................................!
Enjoy Julia Stone singing "What´s wrong with me?
1. lose heart
2. At last
3. it´s pouring
4. love at first sight
5. I´m broke
6. If I were you
7. once in a blue moon
8. have to face the music
9. For crying out loud
10.fed up
11.Let´s face it
12.grab some shut-eye
13.The sooner the better
14.It takes ages
15.Get to the point
16.Let me think about it
17.That´s the way the cookie crumbles
18.what´s wrong
19.By all means
20.So far so good
21.bugging me
22.All that glitters is not gold
23.How nice
24.pain in the ass
25.is not my cup of tea
26.For your own sake
27.What a lazy bum!
7. once in a blue moon
8. have to face the music
9. For crying out loud
10.fed up
11.Let´s face it
12.grab some shut-eye
13.The sooner the better
14.It takes ages
15.Get to the point
16.Let me think about it
17.That´s the way the cookie crumbles
18.what´s wrong
19.By all means
20.So far so good
21.bugging me
22.All that glitters is not gold
23.How nice
24.pain in the ass
25.is not my cup of tea
26.For your own sake
27.What a lazy bum!