If you want to be healthy, live a long time and be happy….eat garlic.
Garlic has been in use for thousands of years.
It was used by the Egyptians to flavor food and also used as a traditional medicine.
China produces 80 percent of the garlic world supply.
Spain is probably the biggest producer of garlic in Europe.
The health benefits of garlic are numerous.
Garlic is nature´s most potent immune body booster, a very powerful antibiotic, and it can also increase your libido.
Garlic can make you get better when you have a cold too.
It acts as a natural medicine to lower high blood pressure by 10 percent and reduces the level of cholesterol.
The best way is to eat fresh raw garlic.
You cut a clove in half or in several pieces and swallow them when eating a yogurt, like taking a pill.
This way you won´t have bad breath
You can also eat the cloves with parsley to prevent the strong taste.
It is generally recommended to take two garlic cloves early in the morning before having breakfast.
If you can´t stand the strong taste of garlic, you can buy garlic capsules in natural food shops if you wish.
Swallow the capsule when you´re eating a yogurt or drinking kefir.
Garlic can reduce cardiological and atherosclerosis problems.
Garlic contains powerful antioxidants which provides protection against cellular damage and thus can make you live longer.
One of the major health benefits of garlic is that it helps to replenish the lost iron in the body.
So, taking garlic provides relief from anemia because it produces the protein called ferroportin, which enhances the absorption of iron.
Garlic contains Allicin. This sulfuric compound in garlic makes it a cancer-fighter.
Cancer cells are damaged due to dietary and environmental toxins, rampant inflammation, and an immune system in serious risk.
Garlic will target these weak spots in your body giving you an added protection for your immune system.
Allicin also has anti-bacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties, according to the University of Maryland.
Allicin will make your blood cleaner too.
Spaniards eat a lot of garlic. It is used in a lot of delicious recipes such as stews.
A lot of people also use garlic when they prepare Rice in the oven, Paellla and Gazpacho.
People also like to eat toasted bread with natural tomato and fresh garlic.
You can also mash garlic and add it to salads.
Garlic is delcious and healthy.
So, now we know why Spaniards are living longer!
healthy = sano
garlic = ajo
flavor = sabor
also = tambien
biggest = mas grande
health benefits = beneficos saludables
booster = reforzador
powerful = potente
get better = mejorar
cold = resfriado
best way = mejor manera
raw = crudo
clove = diente
like = como
this way = de esta manera
breath = aliento
parsely = perejil
taste = sabor
early = pronto
can´t stand = no soportas
wish = deseas
swallow = tragar
provides = aporta
damage = dañar
thus = por tanto
replenish = reponer
so = así que
relief = alivio
enhances = aumenta
cancer-fighting = luchador contra el cancer
damaged due to = dañado debido a
rampant = descontrolado
risk = riesgo
target = enfocan
weaker spots = puntos debiles
blood = sangre
cleaner = mas limpio
recipes such as = recetas tal como
stews = estofados
mash = machacar
longer = mas tiempo
Nina Simone canta " I´m feeling good" = Me siento bien