Eres la leche! = You´re unbelievble! Hace un frio de leche = It´s goddamn freezing / It´s fucking cold
Que leches quieres? = What the hell do you want? Se fue cagando leche = He left in a big hurry Puede tener mala leche aveces = He can be pretty nasty at times Porque leches? = Why the hell? / Why the fuck? Corrimos a toda leche = We ran like hell Está de mala leche = She´s in a really bad mood
Se dio una leche! = He had a fucking crash!
Leche! = For heaven´s sake! / Shit / Hell No entiendo ni leche! = I don´t understand a goddamn / fucking thing! Me cago en la leche! = Damn it! / Fucking shit! Tiene una suerte de leche! = He´s so goddamn lucky!
Se puso mas blanco que la leche = He got as white as a sheet Conducia a toda leche = He was going flat out Te voy a dar una leche! = I´m going to clobber you! Hay mala leche entre ellos = There´s bad blood between themselves
Ese tio es la leche! = That guy´s too much! Se ha cortado la leche = The milk´s gone bad Leche desnatada = Skimmed milk Leche entera = Whole milk Leche corporal = Body milk Me encanta arroz con leche = I love rice pudding
Taylor Swift sings "Bad blood"