viernes, 6 de junio de 2014

193.How to make a Cactus Terrarium

Listen to this guy explain how to make a cactus terrarium.
He´s easy to understand because he´s speaking in very clear English.

And, here is my cactus terrarium. I planted it two weeks ago and at the moment my cactus friends seem to be pretty happy.
I have my terrarium in front of a window, so I think there is enough light. Sometimes I put it outside in the terrace in the morning when the sun is out for half an hour. 
One very important thing is not to water very much. If you follow the instructions, you won´t have any problems.

A terrarium is a mini indoor garden that requires low maintenance. You can use a wide variety of plants and place them in small containers that can go on desks, night tables, and other places where space is limited. A terrarium will add a bit of outdoor beauty and peace to any living space. Those miniature landscapes with living plants also make wonderful and impressive gifts. 
It´s really nice to plant different kinds of cactus in a jar, a bowl, or even in a fish aquarium. You can have it inside your house somewhere next to a window.
You will see your plant grow and of course, your cactus will have beautiful colored flowers.

Here are different kinds of cactus

Here is a nice terrarium. You can plant any cactus in a glass jar and give it to your friends as a present.

And the best part is to wait until the flowers bloom

And here is a beautiful time lapse cactus flower blooming

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