I awoke suddenly due to a loud noise = Me desperté de pronto debido a un fuerte ruido
Lo que pasa es que se suele usar mas el verbo compuesto (phrasal verb) WAKE UP
- I woke up suddenly due to a loud noise
- I woke up with a hangover = Me desperté con una resaca
- Are you awake? = ¿Estás despierto?
- Stay awake = Mantente despierto
- You kept me awake all night with your snoring = No me dejaste dormir toda la noche por tus ronquidos
- After drinking a coffee, I was wide awake = Después de tomar un café, estaba totalmente despierto
Por tanto, se usa mucho WAKE UP
- Time to wake up = hora de despertarse
- What time did you wake up? = ¿A que hora te despertaste?
- I woke up very late = Me desperté muy tarde
- I hate waking up in the middle of a dream = Odio despertarme en medio de un sueño
Una expresión popular es: "RISE AND SHINE" = HORA DE LEVANTARSE
Otra expresión es: "WAKE UP WITH A START" Se usa cuando de pronto de despiertas por un susto o un ruido
I heard someone shout and I woke up with a start = Oí alguien gritar y me desperté de pronto
Tambien se puede decir: WAKE + PRONOMBRE COMO OBJETO
- Wake me up at 7.00 = Despiértame a las siete
- Rememeber to wake your sister up at 6.00 = Acuérdate de despertar a tu hermana a las seis
- Did you wake your father up? = ¿Despertaste a tu padre?
- Don´t wake me up. I don´t have to go to work today = No me despiertes. No tengo que ir al trabajo hoy.
- Why didn´t you wake me up? = ¿Porqué no me despertaste?
- Sorry to wake you up = Perdona por despertarte
Y recordar que otro verbo compuesto es GET UP y significa LEVANTARSE
- It´s not easy to get up early Monday morning = No es facil levantarse temprano el lunes por la mañana
GET UP tambien significa levantarse del suelo o la calle
- Get up off the floor = Levántante del suelo
- If you fall down, just get up = Si te caes, simplemente levántate
- Can you help me get him up? = ¿Me puedes ayudar a levantarle?
So, the question is why it´s so hard to WAKE UP IN THE MORNING....
Perhaps it´s just a mind problem! If one sleeps well, then it doesn´t matter what day it is.
If you wake up, then you´re not dead... and you should be happy to live another day and do whatever you have to do.
It doesn´t matter if have to go to work. Everyday is a different day.
Everyday is a good day to wake up, make yourself a cup of coffee or tea and start the day with energy and in a good mood, because it´s a NEW DAY.
It´s also better to go to bed at the same time every night.
Don´t eat too much and go to bed with a full stomach. If you eat a lot, wait at least two hours before going to bed.
If you go out, don´t get drunk or you will wake up with a hangover...and that´s really awful.
Don´t go to bed stressed or angry.
Reading a little in bed can make you sleepy and turn off the brain.
hangover = resaca
hard = duro / deficil
it doesn´t matter = da igual
should = debería
whatever = lo que
it doesn´t matter = no importa
good mood = buen humor
too much = demasiado
at least = por lo menos
going to bed = acostarse
go out = salir
get drunk = emborracharse
hangover = resaca
awful = horrible
make you sleepy = te da sueño
turn off = apagar
Here are some funny photos about waking up.
Neil Sedaka sings "Waking up is hard to do"
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Hi. You made a mistake. You must say: You have worked....
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