martes, 22 de diciembre de 2015

353. LOVE

One day a child at school asked his teacher what love is.

Therefore, the teacher told her students to walk around the school yard and to bring her things which you could love……simply, things which provoke in you feelings of love.

Later, when all the students came back, they began to show the things they had found:
“I brought a rose….isn´t it beautiful?”, said a girl.

Another child said, “I found this little bird in a nest….isn´t it cute?”

A boy called Alvaro said, “I found some mistletoe in the garden.”

Everyone brought something that represented love for them.

But then, the teacher saw that one of the little girls had not brought anything.
“And you Clara,…. didn´t you find anything which you could love?”, the teacher asked her.
Clara, shyly responded:

“I saw the flower and I smelled its perfume. I thought of picking the flower, but then I left it so it could give off its aroma for a longer time.
I also saw  butterflies with beautiful colors, but they looked so happy that I didn´t dare catch one.

I saw the little bird, but when I went up the tree to see the nest, I saw the sad look of its mother and so I decided to leave it in the nest.
With me I only bring the perfume of the flower, the freedom of the butterflies and the gratitude in the eyes of the little bird´s mother.

“How can I show you what I brought….I didn´t bring anything?”, Clara said and greatly moving the teacher.
The teacher thanked Clara and told her that she was the only one to understand that love is not  a trophy.

Love is only found in one´s heart.

Child = niño
Asked = preguntó
Therefore = por tanto
Told = les dijo
Yard = patio
Bring = traer
Could = podría
Feelings = sentimientos
Later = mas tarde
Came back = volvieron
Began = empezaron
Had found = habían encontrado
Brought = trajeron
Nest = nido
Cute = gracioso
Mistletoe = muérdago
Saw = vio
Brought anything = traído nada
Shyly = tímidamente
Smelled = olío
Thought = penso
Picking = arrancar
Left = la dejé
So = para que
Could give off = podía exhalar
Longer = mas tiempo
Butterflies = mariposas
Looked = parecian
Dare = atrevia
Went up = subí
Sad look = mirada triste
Leave = dejarlo
Freedom = libertad
Show = mostrar
Greatly moving = emocionando mucho
Only one = la única
Understand = entender
Only found = solo se encuentra
Heart = corazón

Official video of Oasis "Let there be love"

Who kicked a hole in the sky                             Quien hizo un agujero en el cielo
So the heavens would cry over me?                   para que el cielo llorara por mi?
Who stole the soul from the sun                         Quien robó el alma del sol
In a world come undone at the seams?               en un mundo roto?
Let there be love                                               Que haya amor
Let there be love
I hope the weather is calm                                 Espero que se calme el tiempo
As you sail up your heavenly stream                  Mientras navegas en tu arroyo celestial
Suspended clear in the sky                                Suspendido en el cielo
Are the words that we sing in our dreams            Son las palabras que cantamos en nuestros sueños 
Let there be love
Let there be love
Let there be love
Let there be love
Come on, baby blue                                          Vamos niña azul
Shake up your tired eyes                                   abre tus ojos cansado
The world is waiting for you                               El mundo te espera
May all your dreaming fill the empty sky             Que todos tus sueños llenen el cielo vacio
But if it makes you happy                                  pero si te hace feliz
Keep on clapping                                              sigue aplaudiendo
Just remember I'll be by your side                      solo recuerda que estaré a tu lado
And if you don't let go, it's gonna pass you by     y si no lo sueltas, lo perderás
Who kicked a hole in the sky                             Quien hizo un agujero en el cielo
So the heavens would cry over me?                   para que el cielo llorara por mi?
Who stole the soul from the sun                         Quien robó el alma del sol
In a world come undone at the seams?               en un mundo roto? 
Let there be love                                               Que haya amor
Let there be love
Let there be love
Let there be love
Let there be love
Let there be love
Let there be love
Let there be love

Read more: Oasis - Let There Be Love Lyrics | MetroLyrics 

miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2015



Si quieres pedir un huevo frito en los Estados Unidos, se dice “Sunny-side up" please.
Sunny” significa soleado, y “side”, lado. Así que literalmente sería: “El lado soleado arriba”
One day it will be normal to fry sunny-side up eggs in the street because it will be so hot to do it.
Our planet Earth is getting hotter and hotter because of global warming.
If global warming continues because industrialized countries don´t give a shit, or don´t reach an agreement to do something about this serious problem, then the temperature of our planet will increase so much that people will not be able to go outside into the street…..unless they want to risk turning into a sunny-side up egg.
Apart from not being able to walk outside, it will also be impossible to go to the beach, unless you want to fry like an egg and burn yourself to death.
The effects on life as we know it will be devastating.
Global warming is real and is caused by the burning of fossil fuels which pump carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere.

Ice is melting in both polar ice caps and mountain glaciers.
Lakes and seas are warming rapidly.
As ice melts, the ocean levels rise and coastal cities will probably disappear.
The hottest summer in history was this year in 2015….and it´s logical to think that it will be hotter in the years to come.
Extreme weather, such as tornados, hurricanes, severe snowstorms and droughts are the effects of global warming.

Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas produced by cars, trucks busses and airplanes, is the main pollutant that is warming our planet Earth.
Smog floating over cities is the most familiar and obvious form of air pollution.
Smog over Madrid

The burning of fossil fuels such as gasoline and natural gasses are poisoning our planet and people.
In cities such as Peking, Los Angeles and Madrid, people are breathing toxic gasses.
Short-tern effects on people are irritation to the eyes, nose and throat, and upper respiratory infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia, headaches, nausea, and allergic reactions.
This short term air pollution can aggravate the conditions of people who suffer from asthma and emphysema.
Long term health effects can include chronic respiratory disease, lung cancer, heart disease, brain damage and liver or kidneys problems.
Let´s hope that the 2015 United Nations Climate conference will come to a universal agreement on global warming and stop the devastating consequences which are having a disastrous effect on our planet Earth……..before it´s too late.

Sunny-side up = huevo frito
Sunny = soleado
Side = lado
Getting hotter = hacienda mas calor
Global warming = calentamiento global
Don´t give a shit = no importar un bledo / huevo
Reach = llegar
So much = tanto/tanta
Will not be able = no podrán
Unless = al menos que
Turning into = convertiendose
Like = como
Burn = quemarse
As we know it = como actualmente lo conocemos
Pump = bombea
Melting = derritiendo
Warming = calentándose
As = al
Snowtorms = tormentas de nieve
Droughts = sequias
Main = principal
Floating over = flotando sobre
Throat = garganta
Such as = tal como
Headaches = dolores de cabeza
Liver = hígado
Kidneys = riñones
Let´s hope = Esperemos
Will come = llegaran
aggreement = acuerdo
Too late = demasiado tarde

James Taylor sings " Fire and rain"

jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015

351. Reading:- YOUR BEST FRIEND

A young man went to visit Chuan Tzu to tell him about his problems.


“Dear wise philosopher. I´m so unhappy.
Can you please show me the way to happiness?”
“Well, before showing you the way to happiness, I need to know why you are so unhappy,” Chuan Tzu asked him.
With a heavy heart, the young man showed him his empty hands and said,
“I´m so sad because I don´t have anything”
“I don´t understand, said the wise man. What do you have there then?”
“Nothing, said the young man. Can´t you see my hands are empty?”
The wise man then said….”You have two hands. It´s not true you don´ t have anything”
The young man continued complaining and said that he didn´t have a house either.
“Tell me then…. Where do you live?”, asked the old philosopher.
“I don´t live anywhere, the young man said. I just told you that I don´t have a house.”
“That´s not true. You live in your body, Chuan Tzu told him. Your body is your true house.”
The young man finally said, “I´m sad because I feel so lonely ”.
“Then tell me….Who do you live with,”? asked Tzu.
“I don´t live with anyone. I don´t have a wife.
Didn´t I just tell you that I´m alone,?” the young man said.
“You live with yourself, said Tzu. You are your best companion and friend you will ever have”
“Your body is your house and you live in it.
“I don´t have to show you the way to live”.
“You have everything you need to be happy”

Wise = sabio
Way = camino
Asked = le preguntó
So = tan
Heavy heart = gran pesar
Sad = triste
Empty = vacias
Complaining = quejándose
Either = tampoco
Anywhere = en ninguna parte
Just = acabo de
True = verdadera
Finally = por fin
Feel = siento
Lonely = solo
Anyone = nadie
Yourself = tu mismo
Best = mejor
Ever = jamás

The Turtles sing "Happy together"

miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2015

350. Frases para traducir 6. : Comparativo de adjetivos

Construcciones del Comparativo de adjetivos

Primero, traducir las frases
Segundo, escúchame como las pronuncio
Tercero, comprar las frases que habéis traducido una por una y cambiar cualquier cosa
Cuarto, ver solución mas abajo
Quinta, escuchar de nuevo y escribe las frases como se fuera un dictado

This little dog is sleepier in the morning

1. Andas mas rápido que yo
2. Este es mucho mas caro que el otro
3. El es mas flaco el
4. Hace mas frío hoy que el otro día
5. Tengo mas sueño después de comer
6. ¿Porqué tu teléfono es mas caro que el mio?
7. Te salió mejor esta vez
8. Los zapatos de cuero estaban mas baratos
9. No soy tan listo como tu
10. Eres mas mayor que ella
11. Me encuentro mucho mejor hoy que ayer
12. Este hotel está mas limpio que el otro
13. Había menos trafico que otras veces
14. Estaba mas cansado el domingo por la mañana cuando me levanté
15. Estamos buscando un piso mas grande
16. Este queso sabe mas fuerte
17. Eres tan alto como yo
18. No bebo tanta cerveza como tu primo
19. No hay tanta gente como el otro día
20. Tengo la misma edad que tu
21. Me levanté mas pronto
22. Vivo en este bario mas tiempo que tu
23. Soy un poquito mas bajito que ella
24. Es mas fácil tocar la guitarra que el piano
25. Hay mas pobres que ricos
26. Esta maleta pesa mas que la otra
27. Es mas rápido ir en tren, pero también es mas caro
28. Los españoles son mas simpáticos que los franceses
29. Cuanto mas ejercicios haces, mejor
30. Tu piso es mucho mas pequeño que el mio
31. Pues, mi cocina es mucho mas grande que la tuya
32. Como ves, algunas frases son mas difíciles traducir que otras
33. ¿Tienes un cuchillo mas afilado para cortar el pollo?
34. No se cual es mas útil
35. Estaba mas abaratado el viernes por la noche que el sábado
36. Tu sales mas que yo
37. Pareces más feliz
38. ¿Que tal te encuentras? Mejor que nunca

Stevie Wonder sings "Happier than the morning sun"

I'm happier than the morning sun
And that's the way you said that it would be
If I should ever bring you inside my life.

I'm happier than the morning sun
And that's the way you said that it would be
If I should ever bring you inside my life.

All my life I was alone,
Didn't think I'd find my part,
Now I see there's joy inside your arms.

Every day I searched for the star,
That never was in the sky,
And now I see this star is on earth.

And I'm happier than the morning sun
And that's the way you said that I would be
If I gave you a chance to come inside my life.

And I am happier than the morning sun
And that's the way it will always be
Ever since the day you came inside of my life.

Bom bom bom bom bom bom bom bom bom
Bom bom bom I love you.

Bom bom bom bom bom bom bom bom bom
Bom bom bom I love you.

And I'm happier than the morning sun
And that's the way you said that it would be
If I should ever bring you inside my life.

I'm happier than the morning sun
And that's the way you said it would be
If I should ever bring you inside my life.

Bom bom bom bom bom bom bom bom bom
Bom bom bom bom bom bom

Bom bom bom bom bom bom bom bom bom
Bom bom bom I love you.

Bom bom bom bom bom bom bom bom bom

Bom bom bom I love you.

Happier than the morning sun
That's the way you said it would be
If I should ever bring you inside my life.

I'm happier than the stars above
That's the way you said that it would be
If I should ever bring you inside of my life.

I believe that everyone should be
Happier than the morning sun
Happier than the morning sun
Happier than the morning sun
Happier than the morning sun
Songwriters: WONDER, STEVIE
Happier Than The Morning Sun lyrics © EMI Music Publishing, Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

Escúchame como pronuncio las frases en una velocidad normal de hablar en inglés

Translation solution

1. You walk faster than me
2. This one is more expensive than the other one
3. He´s skinnier than me
4. It´s colder today than the other day
5. I´m sleepier after lunch
6. Why is your phone more expensive than mine?
7. You did it better this time
8. The leather shoes were cheaper
9. I´m not as smart as you
10. You´re older than her
11. I feel better today than yesterday
12. This hotel is cleaner than the other one
13. There was less traffic than other times
14. I was more tired Sunday morning when I got up
15. We´re looking for a bigger apartment / flat
16. This cheese tastes stronger
17. You´re as tall as me
18. I don´t drink as much beer as your cousin
19. There aren´t as many people as the other day
20. I´m the same age as you
21. I got up earlier
22. I´m living in this neighborhood longer than you
23. I´m a little bit shorter than her
24. It´s easier to play the guitar than the piano
25. There are more rich people than poor
26. This suitcase weighs more than the other one
27. It´s faster to go by train, but it´s also more expensive
28. Spaniards are nicer than the French
29. The more exercises you do the better
30. Your flat / apartment is much smaller than mine
31. Well, my kitchen is bigger than yours
32. As you can see, some sentences are easier to translate than others
33. Do you have a sharper knife to cut the chicken?
34. I don´t know which one is more useful
35. It was more crowded on Friday night than on Saturday
36. You go out more than I do
37. You look happier
38. How are you feeling? Better than ever