domingo, 24 de marzo de 2013

157.) Los usos de la palabra "REGARD"

What are we going to do regarding gun control?

La palabra "REGARD" tiene muchos usos

Se puede usar como verbo y significa "CONSIDERAR / ESTIMAR"

-I regard you as my best friend  = Te considero como mi mejor amigo
-We regard you very highly in this company  = Tenemos una gran estima de ti en esta empresa
-I´m not sure if politicians regard high unemployement as something very serious = No estoy seguro si los políticos consideran el alto desempleo en algo muy serio
-Our boss is highly regarded by all the employees  = Nuestro jefe es muy estimado por todos los empleados

También hay otros usos usando "REGARD" como sustantivo

-Some drivers don´t have any regard for cyclists  = Algunos conductores no tienen ninguna consideración por lo ciclistas
-I have a high regard for Mr. Revilla because he´s honest  = Tengo muy buena opinión del Sr. Revilla porque es honesto
-The public servant paid no regard to the man´s demands  = El funcionario hizo caso omiso a las demandas del hombre

También se usa "Regard" para decir con "CON RESPECTO A"
- We don´t know what to do in regard to this matter  = No sabemos que hacer con respecto a este asunto
-In regard to your raise, the director has to approve it  = Con respecto a tu subida salarial, el director lo tiene que aprobarlo

También se suele usar "REGARDING" = en lo que respecta / lo que se refiere / con respecto a / en relación con


-The human resource manager wants to speak to you regarding your transfer = El director de recursos humanos quiere hablar contigo en relación con tu traslado
-Regarding the payments, I think we can lower them a little  = Con respecto a los pagos, creo que podemos bajarlos un poco
-Now regarding you Alex, why did you get angry with your teacher?  = ¿Con respecto a tí Alex, por qué te enfadaste con tu profesor?

También se usa "Regardless" como adverbio = a pesar de / da igual que /sin tener en cuenta


-I´m going to Australia to find a job regardless of what you say  = Me voy a Australia a pesar de lo que digas
-Regardless of what happens, we can continue being friends  = Da igual lo que pase, podemos continuar siendo amigos
-Regardless of what you think, it wasn´t my fault = Pese a lo que tu pienses, no fue culpa mía
-We´re going, regardless of the weather  = Nos vamos, llueve o truene
-The police took the the family out of the house, regardless of the protest in the street  = La policía sacaron la familia de la casa, sin tener en cuenta de la protesta en la calle
-Alex wanted to but the motorcycle, regardless of the cost  = Alex quería compara la moto sin importar el precio
-James continued driving, regardless of being a little tired   = James continuó conduciendo a pesar de estar un poco cansado

También se usa "REGARDS" para decir "Saludos" / "Recuerdos" o "Best regards" = Cordiales saludos y
"Give my regards" = Dale recuerdos

Here´s is the first part of a short story called
"High above the forest" by me, alan moliner. 
"Reading is a good way to learn English. So, see how much you can understand"

Part 1

It is pitch black in the forest, but regardless of the total darkness of a silent night, Troy is able to see everything in the forest and even miles away.

He has been living in this thick-wooded mountain forest in a small town in the Kentucky Appalachians for about a year.
He arrived to Earth in his small space capsule twenty years ago from his distant planet called Trylam in the M81 Galaxy.

He only lives in forests. He travels around the world living in forests for at least two years, and then disappears because he needs to move on or people will begin to ask questions.

In fact, Troy never ages and he has the ability to change his appearance depending on which country he´s living in.

Regardless of being an alien from another world, Troy looks perfectly human, providing one does not get too close to him to see his eyes which faintly change colors.

Troy´s eyes change color depending on where he is, if it´s night or day, or even depending on the color of clothes another person is wearing, and especially in which country he´s living in.

At night, his eyes are infrared just like everyone else on his planet where ninety percent of it is covered by dense forests and where larger animals than on earth live and hunt.

Troy hunts for food at night. He is able to elevate himself just above the trees and silently fly over the forest looking for deer or wild boar if he needs to eat meat. Other times he can go without eating for several days, or every now an then, he goes to the Chinese Wok in the town; as he loves eating grilled salmon together with sautéed mushrooms.

During the day, he goes to a highschool in a nearby town. As he looks just like any blond-haired American and in this case, a good-looking teenager, nobody can see any difference at all.

Troy loves to play baseball, and he´s very good at it. He has the ability to concentrate on the ball as soon as it leaves the pitcher´s arm, calculating the speed and the impact he must use, in order not to obliterate the ball, as he once did during a game.
In fact he leads the league in homeruns and strikeouts, being that Troy is also a pitcher.
His pitching arm never gets tired, and he can throw the ball with lightening speed, throwing curve balls which drive batters nuts.

Regardless of having super powers, he controls himself so as not to attract too much attention.

After school he goes bowling with his friends. It´s another game he loves playing.
Later in the evening after having dinner at Stan´s burger tavern with a few classmates, he returns to the forest, and to his house, high above and invisibly floating over the forest and the valley below.

Regardless of the fact that some people do find him a little mysterious and at times wonder where in fact he comes from, his friends believe he lives with his aunt in a nearby town ten miles away living a normal life just like everyone else.

Judy Garland sings " Give my regards to Broadway"
Copy and paste

Lyrics                                                             Translated by ajm
Give my regards to Broadway,                       Dale recuerdos a Broadway
Remember me to Herald Square;                    Recuerdame a la plaza Herald
Tell all the gang at 42nd Street,                      Decirle a toda la
That I will soon be there.                                Que pronto estaré allií
Whisper of how I'm yearning                          Sursurrar de como deseo
To mingle with the old time throng;                Mezclarme con los viegos amigos;
Give my regards to old Broadway,                  Dale  mis recuerdos al viejo Broadway,
And say that I'll be there e'er long.                  Y decir que pronto estaré allí

Give my regards to Broadway,                        Dale recuerdos a Broadway
Remember me to Herald Square;                    Recuerdame a la plaza Herald
Tell all the gang at 42nd Street,                      Decirle a toda la
That I will soon be there.                                Que pronto estaré allí
Whisper of how I'm yearning                          Sursurrar de como deseo
To mingle with the old time throng;                Mezclarme con los viegos amigos
Give my regards to old Broadway,                  Dale recuerdos a Broadway,
And say that I'll be there e'er long.                  Que pronto estaré allí
Did you ever see two Yankees                         Has visto alguna vez dos yankees
part upon a foreign shore?                               en el extranjero?
When the good ship's just about                      Cuando el buen barco está a punto
to start for Old New York once more?            de zarpar para viejo Nueva York una vez más?
With tear dimmed eye, they say goodbye        Con lagrimas, dicen adíos
They're friends, without a doubt;                     Son amigos, sin lugar a duda;
When the man on                                              Cuando el hombre en
the pier shouts, "Let them clear!"                     el muelle grita, Soltar....
As the ship strikes out.                                     Mientras el buque zarpa.

Give my regards to Broadway!                          "                "            "
Remember me to Herald Square!
Tell all the gang at Forty Second Street
That I will soon be there!
Whisper of how I'm yearning                             "               "             "
To mingle with the old time throng!                 
Give my regards to Old Broadway
And say that I'll be there, 'ere long!                  "               "             " 

Give my regards to Broadway!
Remember me to Herald Square!
Tell all the gang at Forty Second Street
That I will soon be there!
Whisper of how I'm yearning                             "               "             "
To mingle with the old time throng!
Give my regards to Old Broadway
And say that I'll be there, 'ere long!

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