Hay muchas formas de usar los GERUNDIOS.
Se pueden usar como sujeto de frases, detrás de ciertos verbos complemento, después de ciertos verbos y detrás de preposiciones.
Ver tema 25 para ver "Como usar el gerundio"
Prueba traducir estas frases y después comprobar mas abajo para ver como las he traducido yo
"Riding a bike is fun"
1. Andando por la calle el otro día me encontré con un amigo que no había visto desde el colegio
2. Sabiendo que es malo para tu salud, porqué sigues fumando
3. Me encanta hablar contigo porque sabes escuchar
4. Me acuerdo haber ido a Nueva York con mis padres cuando solo tenía cinco años
5. Estamos deseando irnos de vacaciones
6. Perdona por hacerte esperar. Estaba hablando por teléfono
7. Susana está pensando en irse a Dinamarca para trabajar
8. Que mas sabes hacer además de fontanería?
9. Deberías dejar de ir al trabajo en coche y coger la bici porque es mas divertido
10. Que te parece cenar fuera esta noche a nuestro restaurante favorito?
11. Cuando tiene tiempo libre, su hobby es pintar
12. No vale la pena levantarse tan pronto porque la tienda aún estará cerrada
13. Después de andar tanto, tuvimos que descansar nadando en el río
14. Estoy acostumbrado esperar para el autobús
15. No me importa viajar contigo a Irlanda
16. Gracias por recordarme de que tengo que llamar a mi madre
17. Estoy seguro que echaré de menos ver a mis amigos cuando esté en Canadá
18. Tienes que seguir practicando hablando en inglés para poder hablarlo con mas soltura
19. No me gusta oír tanto ruido en la calle por las noches
20. Te apetece coger el coche para ir a la playa?
21. Odio hablar con el porque nunca te mira a los ojos
22. Te importaría recogerme en el aeropuerto?
23. Perdóname por no haberte llamado antes
24. Todos preferimos coger el tren en lugar de ir en avión
25. Lamento no haber comprado esas deportivas que estaban de rebajas
26. Has terminado de leer el libro que te presté hace un mes?
27. Salgo del trabajo pronto porque tengo hora con el dentista
28. Que crees que estás haciendo?
Listen to the nice song "Where do you think you´re going" by The Dire Straits
Where do you think you're going?
Don't you know it's dark outside?
Where do you think you're going?
Don't you *care about my *pride?
Where do you think you're going?
I think you don't know
You got no way of knowing
There's really no place you can go
I understand your changes
Long before you reach the door
I know where you think you're going
I know what you came here for
And now I'm *sick of joking
I know I like you to be free
Where do you think you're going?
I think you better go with me girl
You say there is no reason
But you still find cause to doubt me
If you ain't with me girl
You're gonna be without me
Where do you think you're going?
Don't you know it's dark outside?
Where do you think you're going?
Don't you care about my pride?
And now I'm sick of joking
I know I like you to be free
Where do you think you're going?
I think you better go with me girl
*care = importar
* pride = orgullo
* sick of joking = cansado de tonterías
1. Walking in the street the other day, I ran into an old friend who I hadn´t seen since school
2. Knowing that it´s bad for your health, why do you keep on smoking?
3. I love talking to you because you know how to listen
4. I remember going to New York with my parents when I was only five
5. We are looking forward to going on vacation
6. Sorry to keep you waiting. I was talking on the phone
7. Susana is thinking of going to Denmark to work
8. What else can you do besides plumbing?
9. You should stop going to work by car and take the bicycle because it´s more fun
10. How about having dinner out tonight at our favorite restaurant?
11. When he has free time, his hobby is painting
12. There´s no point in getting up so early because the shop will still be closed
13. After walknig so much, we had to rest swimming in the river
14. I´m used to waiting for the bus
15. I don´t mind traveling to Ireland with you
16. Thanks for reminding me that I have to call my mother
17. I´m sure I will miss seeing my friends when I´m in Canada
18. You have to keep on practicing speaking in english to be able to speak it more fluently
19. I don´t like hearing so much noise in the street at night
20. Do you feel like taking the car to go to the beach?
21. I hate talking to him because he never looks at you in the eyes
22. Would you mind picking me up at the airport?
23. Sorry for not calling you before
24. We all prefer going by train instead of going by plane
25. I regret not buying those trainers which were on sale
26. Did you finish reading the book I lent you last month?
27. I´m leaving work early because I have a dentist appointment
28. What do you think you´re doing?