miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2016

360. The apple of my eye

  • The apple of my eye

    When you feel hungry, eat an apple. There are so many varieties and colors to choose from.
    The apple of my eye
    Before eating it, hold it in your hand and see how beautiful it is.
    Eating an apple will make you feel good, and it´s good for your health.
    You can eat one or two apples a day, and they won´t make you fat.
    Apples are considered the miracle food.The phytonutrients and antioxidants in applesmay help reduce the risk of developing cancer, hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease.
    Eating apples is also good for the brain. Studies show it can lower the risk of getting Alzheimer´s disease.
    Another study shows that eating apples together with raisins, pears and blueberries can also prevent you from getting diabetes.
    Other scientific studies show that it´s good to eat the apple seeds to kill cancer cells. 
    I enjoy eating “Fuji” apples. They are developed in Japan, and they are a cross of the American red delicious.
    Fuji apples are crisp, sweet and keep well.
    Another variety of apples I like eating are “Pink ladies”.
    Baking yellow apples in the oven and adding a little honey and cinnamon on top of them is a delicious dessert.
    There are curious sayings using the word "apple".
    Here are some:
    “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” Una manzana diaria es cosa sana
    “She´s the apple of my eye”  = Ella es la niña de mis ojos
    “As American as apple pie” = Tipicamente americano
    “Be an apple polisher” = hacerle la pelota a alguien
    “One bad apple spoils the whole bunch” = Una manzana podrida echa ciento a perder
    Sotake an apple with you when you go to work. Put it on your table in the morning and see how beautiful it is.
    It will make you feel happier, knowing that you will enjoy eating it when you start feeling hungry.

    feel hungry = sientes hambriento
    so many = tantas
    choose = elegir
    hold = sostener
    make you feel good = te hace sentir bien
    health = salud
    may = puede que
    brain = cerebro
    lower = bajar
    raisans = pasas
    blueberries = arándanos
    getting = coger
    seeds = semillas
    crisp = cruijente
    keep well = se mantienen bien
    baking = hornear
    cinnamon = canela
    some = algunas
    dessert = postre
    sayings = dichos
    so = así que
    take = llevate

    James Brown canta " I feel good"  = Me siento bien

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4 comentarios:

  1. Hello Alan!
    I totally agree with you and my favourites appels are Fuji and Pink ladies too.
    Enjoy " the Fallas!.

    1. Hi Carol. Enjoy the Fallas too and eat apples everyday....like me
